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Research Skills:
Methods and Methodology

“An inquiry is any process that has the aim of augmenting knowledge, resolving doubt, or solving a problem."


— Wikipedia

Studying in a library


In this module you will be introduced to qualitative research methods and methodologies. We will also focus on designing your ethnographic research and data analysis. We will explore ethics and its importance as well as how to conduct yourself in the field, as a means of gaining valuable information and material. Including exploring your research themes, epistemology and reflexivity.


Learning Outcomes

You will:

  • Become familiar with the fundamentals of qualitative data and apply it

  • You will explore writing problem statements, and research questions and problems

  • Explore and communicate key considerations in qualitative research from the practical to the more theoreticalaspects

  • Using examples and discourse, demonstrate your understanding of qualitative research ethics.

  • Identify qualitative data sources and prepare them for analysis

  • Identify and analyse qualitative research methods and methodologies used in various fields of study, for example, focus groups, questionnaires, interviews etc. and explain how it might be valuable in your research practice and writing.

Teaching Mode 




Annotated bibliography


20-minute presentation

800 words paper





Note: Classroom etiquette


In order for you to get the best out of our tutorials, workshops and lectures, digital media objects such as mobiles and computers can be included, because the lessons are designed to integrate these devices as it can be useful for your learning.


However, students must be responsible in how they utilise these devices in tutorials, workshops and lectures. Would like to discuss this further?


Go to the contact page and use the contact form to arrange a tutorial.

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