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Ethnography is the art and science of describing a group or culture. The description may be of a small tribal group in an exotic land or a classroom in middle-class suburbia”.


David M. Fetterman

Open Notebook


Unit Aims & Description

The purpose of this unit is to:

  1. Learn how ethnography, reflexivity, autobiography, storytelling, and the experiential can be used for qualitative research and deepen your critical understanding of them.

  2. Identify and critically evaluate autoethnography as an interdisciplinary mode of inquiry for exploring people, places, cultures, and selves.

  3. Acquire a critical understanding of the differences between performative, evocative, and analytical approaches to studying life experiences.

  4. Organise small-scale autoethnographic studies.

Learning Outcomes

You will:

  • Explore what is autoethnography

  • Examine the connections/interconnections between, for example, ethnography and autobiography.

  • Analysis and evaluation

  • Discuss the development and connections/interconnections with other autoethnographic approaches.

  • Possess a clear understanding of autoethnography and its applications

  • Embrace autoethnographic writing in qualitative research

  • Gain a fundamental understanding of the perspectives that are opposed to autoethnography as well as why it is beneficial to understand them.

  • Explore various writing styles and find out which one is most appropriate for your research.

  • Writing autoethnography and analysing and evaluating your own work

  • Competencies in presentation

Teaching Mode 




Annotated bibliography



20-minute presentation

800 words paper



Note: Classroom etiquette


In order for you to get the best out of our tutorials, workshops and lectures, digital media objects such as mobiles and computers can be included, because the lessons are designed to integrate these devices as it can be useful for your learning.


However, students must be responsible in how they utilise these devices in tutorials, workshops and lectures. Would like to discuss this further?


Go to the contact page and use the contact form to arrange a tutorial.

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