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Critical Reading and Writing: Making Reading and Writing Part of your Practice

"Write to be understood”, speak to be heard, read to grow"

— L Clark Powell



Creative Arts Study Skills

Topics to be covered:

● Visual communication and autobiographical (autoethnography) writing

● Understanding qualitative research methodologies

● Focusing on engaging with and evaluating academic texts, examining evidence, ideas or arguments

● Examining various positions and interpretations

● Exploring the limitations of your study

● Exploring autobiographical (autoethnography) writing and a brief look at its use in a social science inquiry method

● Exploring autobiographical (autoethnography) writing styles

● Exploring autobiographical (autoethnography) data collection/analysis

● Reflective approaches in writing

● Exploring personal biases, opinions and evaluations

● Critical writing

● Writing Skills - planning, research, composing, and reviewing

● Exploring academic reading as part of a developing practice


Examples: critical reading and writing

Note: Classroom etiquette


In order for you to get the best out of our tutorials, workshops and lectures, digital media objects such as mobiles and computers can be included, because the lessons are designed to integrate these devices as it can be useful for your learning.


However, students must be responsible in how they utilise these devices in tutorials, workshops and lectures. Would like to discuss this further?


Go to the contact page and use the contact form to arrange a tutorial.

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