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Ideas, Signs

"What do signs and symbols mean to us?"



See Video Below:

"Signs are visual representations of concepts or ideas. Drawings, illustrations, and letters/fonts are examples of signs.

Symbols are signs that hold no visual resemblance to the concept or idea they represent. For example, the letter R represents a sound that doesn’t have any image. Or the white dove, which is a widely-used representation of peace despite not having a real visual connection to the concept" — Ivanna Attié




Example: design

Tedx Talks: Symbols and signals provide information that guides our actions, our feelings and our choices. Often, we are oblivious to these inputs, yet they influence our daily decisions, and help us provide clarity to others.


Symbols and signals can be traced back to the very first cave drawings, and have evolved with us over time to become a universal language that we share across the entire human species. Every aspect of life on this planet can be translated to a symbol or a signal, invoking our curiosity and serving as a catalyst for understanding.


Note: Classroom etiquette


In order for you to get the best out of our tutorials, workshops and lectures, digital media objects such as mobiles and computers can be included, because the lessons are designed to integrate these devices as it can be useful for your learning.


However, students must be responsible in how they utilise these devices in tutorials, workshops and lectures. Would like to discuss this further?


Go to the contact page and use the contact form to arrange a tutorial.

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